Native American/Indigenous Shamans


    A shaman is someone who has always been drawn to nature, who naturally hears the whispers of Spirit through the breeze, who welcomes the rains, glorifies in the heat of the sun and connects with the nourishment of the earth. A Shaman embraces each season, rejoices at every new bud during the first stirrings of spring, the harvest abundance that summer supplies, the falling leaves of autumn and the deep dark mystery that accompanies the winter months. The Shamans heart sings at the mere notion of the workings of Spirit, has an affinity with the ways of natural healing and believes in another world of mystical beings. The Shaman is able to connect naturally with this "other world", perceiving the spirits that are all around, in all that is alive. This is the belief system of Shamanism, for it is not a religion, but a world of freedom, magic and connection with the natural world, and that of Spirit. Our ancestors, and other indigenous peoples, lived their lives trusting in, recognizing and interacting with the spirits of the land, living in accordance with the magical law of nature. The Shaman is a healer, a counselor and ambassador for the spirits of nature, taking a responsible attitude in guardianship for this beloved planet. 

    As you begin your path as a Shaman, of the "one who knows", your journey will be one of remembrance as you connect with the earth-centered traditions of the ancestors. But do not be fooled, for walking the shamanic path is a hard journey of soul-searching experiences. You may find yourself suddenly dropping everything to be on top of a mountain in some far away land, to embrace yourself in a vision quest. Or you might end up taking part in a sweat lodge or walk across hot coals in a firewalk, because you were called to be in the right place at the right time. The art is not to question, but to be ready to answer and to surrender. It will challenge you, it will push you over the edge and you may find yourself screaming that you cannot, or will not, continue. Some will walk away forever, whist others may keep dipping their toes in, now and then. We have known people to turn their backs on Shamanism even after experiencing the most incredible feelings of ecstasy through the vibrational sounds of shamanic drums, having journeyed into the abyss of the self and healed wholly and fully, and endured heart attacks, which have lead them to an incredible connection with Spirit and their true life purpose.

    The sacred pathway of the Shaman is uncertain, but necessary, if you wish to connect with the magic that is within and all around you. There may be pitfalls and great losses along the way, but you can be assured that wherever this path leads you to, the overall outcome will be more satisfactory than you could even imagine. 


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