*taken from Co-Star* I found their breakdowns to be the most accurate, and liked the funny little jabs they take at each sign (still accurately!) and don't forget -- if you were born on the cusp of either side of a sign (cusp = the first several dates at the beginning or end of a zodiac sign) check the other sign your birthday is closest to as you might find you relate more to those traits


Leo: July 22 - August 22

 Symbol: The Lion

Element: Fire

Modality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: The Sun



  • Exudes warmth and creativity
  • A little bit vain
  • Really big personality
  • Wants to stand out
  • Interested in luxury


Best Careers

  • Chanteuse
  • B-list actor
  • Motivational speaker
  • Autobiographical author
  • Style icon


Famous Leos

  • Kobe Bryant
  • James Baldwin
  • Kylie Jenner
  • Coco Chanel
  • Lil Yachty
  • Duchamp
  • Charli XCX


Personality Traits

Bold, warm, and loving. Also the ultimate showmen. Can dazzle with the theatrical flair of a Broadway star and the charisma of a politician. Are captivating personalities. They have a way with words, and can speak eloquently on just about any topic, no matter how quickly they've just been introduced to it.

Inject ambition into everything they do. Are ruled by the heart. Are brash and confident and trust their instincts. Their actions are natural and effortless.

Have an unrelenting appetite for growth that is easily satiated by the praise of others. When they are hurting, it shows. Will use their anger as a protective wall to shield their vulnerabilities. Want to be perceived as unbreakable because they are scared of admitting vulnerability, needing things from other people, being incomplete.

What Are Leo's Bad Traits?

Bad sides appear when their positive and admirable character traits cross over into excess. They can be perceived as overbearing but this is due to their hyper-presence and warmth.

Have a reputation for being braggarts. To them this isn't bragging, it's sharing. Sharing their accomplishments with others makes them feel connected, and they expect the same in return from their friends. Want to be celebrated but they are equally happy to celebrate you.

Like to feel important. Don't necessarily want to be worshiped, or be treated with reverence. They just want to be recognized for their authentic selves. The difference between admiration and worship is subtle, but it's the difference between a Leo being preoccupied with themselves, or being focused on the good of the people they care about.

Want to be the center of the universe. Want to be rewarded for being the best and the brightest. Want to be given special treatment, but also feel deserving of it. 

What Do Leos Hate The Most?

Hate being bossed around. Are very much in charge of their own worlds and their own destiny. Are perpetually wounded by the acts of betrayal and abandonment. Their pride is a sword that they wield to protect their sovereignty.

Sense of humor is intense, they hold both themselves and others to a very high standard, and they are deeply wounded when someone breaks that code. There is an ingrained need for everyone to acknowledge and validate their existence. This can lead to what can be labeled as narcissistic or absolutist behavior that borders on the absurd.

Hate being told what to do, but if you can get them to listen, they can usually be persuaded - especially if you make them feel like it was what they wanted all along. But they'll always secretly resent that they didn't reach this conclusion alone. Don't like to be told to do things, and they especially don't like being forced. They demand respect and they don't take kindly to people who don't respect them.

Love, Sex and Romance

What Are Leos Attracted To?

Naturally energetic and passionate and often fall for partners that are equally enthusiastic. Are attracted to the same qualities in others that they see in themselves. They like partners that are confident and proactive. Who will go after what they want without apology.

Tend to be attracted to signs of obvious strength. Want someone who isn't just confident, but sophisticated. Want to be with somebody who can not only formulate an intelligent argument, but can also present it in a smooth and articulate manner.

Love to be the center of attention, but are also secretly self-loathing. All their charm is a defense mechanism this is designed to compensate for their innate insecurity. Though it may appear natural, it is often a highly calculated way of being. Because of this, Leos tend to have an affinity for people who are more spontaneous and carefree than they are. Like a little bit of chaos in their lives to counteract the order that they impose on themselves.

Who Is Leo's Soulmate?

Desire someone who can feel them both physically and emotionally. Want to be worshiped. Need to feel like you'd do absolutely anything for them - and that you'd do it not out of obligation, but by choice. Love to feel like they're in a position of power, but they don't want to have to exercise it by force. To them, their natural charisma should be enough. Fiercely independent, and love to get their way. In order to feel truly loved, they need a partner who is a little submissive - or who is willing to take on that role in the relationship.

Need someone who is quietly and secretly powerful in their own right, someone who can help them realize their ambitions. Someone who can help them make a name for themselves in their chosen field, or in their social circle.

Need to be with someone who can get under their skin and occupy their imagination. Someone who can keep up with their endless emotional hunger. Someone who can help them feel invincible. 

Are Leos Good Kissers?

Leos love a challenge. Have an almost inherent need to compete and dominate. Because of this, Leo is known for being a very passionate kisser. They kiss like they're competing against someone else for your affection. They kiss like the only things that matter in the world are you and them and the way that their lips feel against yours. To be kissed like a Leo kiss is to be kissed like the whole world is watching and like there is no other kiss but yours.


Attentive, loyal, and generous. Always feel the need to give more than they receive. As one of the most playful and luxury-loving signs, they treat you the way they treat themselves, and will spontaneously do nice things for you just because they feel like it. Not really into keeping track of turns or even splits.

If you give Leo a reason to feel special, they will shower you with the same level of attention, affection, and praise. Friendship means the world to them. And if you have a problem, they will drop everything and come help you.

Very proud and value their honor. If you hurt a Leo's feelings, they will make you very aware of it while punishing you with their silence. They'll be cold an distant for days. Can be vindictive and hold onto resentment for a long time. Even if you made them mad five years ago, they'll still remember it. And they'll remember it the way they want to remember it. They'll hold onto their version of the story and you just have to accept that this is their way of forgiving you.

Why Are Leos So Lonely?

To Leos, loneliness is a captive state. It literally binds them to the cage of their own desire. They've got a hole inside of them that they try to fill with love, attention, and appeal. Want to be loved for who they are. Want genuine connections, but take a long time to learn how to initiate them. Always searching for meaning. 

Make a lot of friends, but they're not so good at keeping them or developing them further. The problem is that they're able to form superficial connections with their ample charm, but have hard time showing the vulnerability that deeper relationships require. While they're great at communicating with the world, they're not really that great at communicating their innermost thoughts and feelings.

In order to connect with people, they'd have to open up about their own emotions, and that's something they're not comfortable doing. What they don't realize is that emotional expression can be the very catalyst for developing deep connections. Can feel the need for companionship, but they don't know how to create a space for it to grow. Don't understand that friendship is an art that requires constant work -  and that you get what you put in. They're always very busy - type to say "I'll call you!" and then never calls.

Leos aren't doomed for a life of loneliness. Just have to learn how to be vulnerable. Have to find a way to be friends with people without seeing other as only a source of attention. 


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