*taken from Co-Star* I found their breakdowns to be the most accurate, and liked the funny little jabs they take at each sign (still accurately!) and don't forget -- if you were born on the cusp of either side of a sign (cusp = the first several dates at the beginning or end of a zodiac sign) check the other sign your birthday is closest to as you might find you relate more to those traits.


Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Symbol: The Crab

Element: Water

Modality: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: The Moon



  • Very sensitive
  • Seeks comfort
  • Forgives, but never forgets
  • Only has one boundary, but it is very firm
  • Takes on other people's problems


Best Careers

  • Emotional packmule
  • Caretaker for lost skaters
  • That one influential elementary school teacher
  • "Free hugs" booth (ASMR "I'm your friend and I'm hugging you")
  • Metaphorical heart surgeon


Famous Cancers

  • Ariana Grande
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Marcel Proust
  • Assata Shakur
  • Franz Kafka
Personality Traits 

Like wading chest deep in a lake of warm water. It feels sparkling and cool while it's touching the body, but you know that if you were to dive in, it would feel warm. 
Their self-awareness is like the tides. Constantly moving in and out of focus. Personality is layered. Have many moods, some of which are contradictory, but they also have a deep, core self that persists.
Are weighed down by their own sorrows and the sorrows of those around them. Are frequently haunted by grief. Hard for them to share their pain with others, and they are often afraid to be vulnerable because they carry a fear that people will use their weaknesses against them. Have learned to hide their pain to avoid burdening anyone else. Pretend they're okay when they're not. Their emotions are like an exposed nerve.
Can feel everything. Like a tuning fork that vibrates at the slightest provocation. Tend to carry deep grudges because they can't forget the emotional sting of a slight.
What Are Cancers Attracted To?
Are homebodies. Like the comfort of the familiar. Don't like change. Are drawn to stability and routine. Like to know what is expected. Tend to be less experimental than other signs. Have an attraction to the past. Like to keep traditions alive. Like art that reminds them of a different time. Love old stones, old art forms. Predictable environments make them feel comfortable. Like to know what's going to happen. Like to feel that they're part of a bigger plan. Don't like surprises.
Love, Sex and Romance
Do Cancers Fall In Love Easily?
Yes! May appear shy and reserved, but underneath this shield is a romantic who suffers from a bad case of the nerves. They don't fall in love with a person, but with an ideal. They fall in love with what they're hoping to find. They are looking for a complete and unconditional acceptance because they feel so inadequate and unfinished. Are in love with the idea of being in love. This is why they often find themselves incapable of falling in love with the people who actually love them back.
Want to be loved, but don't trust that it will last. Want to be touched, but don't trust the intentions of the person touching them. Want to be protected, but they don't trust that anyone will protect them. Once they fall in love with an actual person, they will carry the romantic feelings for their entire life. Their entire body becomes a vessel for the emotion.
Do Cancers Flirt?
Yes. But more importantly, Cancer flirtation always seems to have a hidden agenda. Terrible at keeping their romantic secrets. Reveal themselves readily and allow the other party to see behind their masks, but they often do this without realizing it. It's not that they hold nothing back, but rather that they unconsciously impose their moods and feelings on the other person. Not uncommon for a Cancer to suddenly realize they have told someone about their family history or their feelings on a recent tragedy before even realizing what they're doing. 
Do Cancers Go Back To Their Exes?
Yes, they are known to go back to their exes. Their desire for affection can often lead them to look back at their romantic pasts and linger fondly on the memories of the person they used to be with. They'll find themselves reminiscing about what a relationship meant to them. May have been betrayed or lied to, but the initial rush of love they felt for the person will always be there.
Do Cancers Like To Cuddle?
Very much so. Also want to be spooned, but may be too shy to initiate it. May also feel that it's a sign of weakness, so they'll try to push you to do it first.
What Are Cancers Like In Relationships?
Can be like a bird that has been caged and  hand fed for so long that they begin to believe that they are not capable of surviving in the wild. Lose the will to fly.
Need a love interest to define them. Their memory is an amalgamation of past loves. Are the product of their relationships. Their identity is sculpted by the people who have made them feel a certain way. Use love as a building block to construct a more concrete sense of self. Their role in a relationship is not to dictate its development, but to react to someone else's lead. Are shaped by their romantic relationships as much as they shape them. Are an impressionist painting of all their past lovers. They're a living, breathing collage of the people that have made them feel special. With each new partner, they become a little more whole. When in love, they bind themselves to anything negative. Can't see the forest for the trees. 
Trust too easily. Want to believe the best about everyone. Love "nice people". Can't understand why everyone isn't nice. Want to be supportive of everyone. Have a hard time understanding why something feels wrong.
Need to learn to trust their own instincts and intuition. Need to learn how to survive on their own because being too dependent on someone else will only postpone the healing process.
Are Cancers Stubborn?
Are often stubborn, but they do not have to be. Often criticized for being harsh on those who they feel have wronged them. Can be punishing, vengeful, and slow to forgive. Hold on to past hurts, but that doesn't mean they wield them. Often too self-effacing to bring them up except when they finally erupt. It would be easier if they could just forgive and forget. They want their wounds to be healed, so they bury them. They're hounded by their own attachment to memory. It's important for them to remember that transformation is not only possible, but is the natural order of life.
Are Cancers Controlling?
Their desire for control is rooted in their identity. Identity is the source of their emotional security. Are not seeking approval from the outside world, but actively trying to adjust their external environment to reflect their inner world.
Lives in a twilight realm where everything is blurred. The border between themselves and others is not clearly defined, and this is mirrored by their external environment. Their home is a sanctuary that is harmonious with their mood. Their possessions are a manifestation of their internal world. 
To not demand control out of malice, but rather because they feel most comfortable when they're in charge. Have a ravenous desire to care for others, and they can achieve this by orchestrating the lives of those closest to them.
Who Is A Cancer's Soulmate?
They are highly sensitive and very insecure, so they need constant reassurance. Doesn't have to come from a lover or spouse. Can also be a close friend or a parent. Cancers need this emotional intimacy or they suffer.
Thrives on the security of close relationships. Strong relationships are the foundation of their sense of well-being. Need to feel loved. A Cancer soulmate is often someone who has a stronger personality, and who can help Cancer feel more grounded. 


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