*taken from Co-Star* I found their breakdowns to be the most accurate, and liked the funny little jabs they take at each sign (still accurately!) and don't forget -- if you were born on the cusp of either side of a sign (cusp = the first several dates at the beginning or end of a zodiac sign) check the other sign your birthday is closest to as you might find you relate more to those traits.


Gemini: May 20 - June 21

Symbol: The Twins

Element: Air

Modality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury



  • Charismatic
  • Uses humor as a crutch
  • Could talk to a brick wall
  • Arguments as flirting
  • Knows a little about everything


Best Careers

  • Likeable politician
  • Actor who plays a quirky side character
  • Devil's Advocate
  • Bubble gum wrapper joke writer
  • Twitter personality


Famous Geminis

  • Kanye West
  • Kendrick Lamar
  • Jean-Paul Sartre
  • Prince
  • Stevie Nicks
  • Tupac Shakur
  • Notorious B.I.G.
  • Colin Farrell


Personality Traits

Geminis are very intelligent and pick up knowledge quickly. Perceptive, analytical, and often very funny. Have an unreserved and childlike curiosity, always asking new questions.

Have an uncanny ability to size up a person's character in a matter of seconds, even if they only just met them. If someone's bluffing, they'll be the first to notice. They are great communicators, very responsive and sensitive listeners.

Are versatile, comfortable being both introverts and extroverts. Are quick to adapt to the energy of a room. Can be the life of the party or a complete wallflower. They know how to bring dissimilar people together and make them get along.

What Are Geminis Afraid Of?

Are afraid of being alone. This is why they tend to have large social circles and always have a companion. Afraid of being trapped in their own minds. It's not that they aren't creative or intelligent, it's that they're afraid of the power of their own imagination. They're afraid of what they'll find once they finally find themselves.

Not afraid of their emotions, but they're constantly worried about how they convey them, about their words being misconstrued, about unintentionally hurting someone's feelings. This is a frequent misfortune of Geminis, and a result of how they externalize their insecurities. Afraid of getting caught up in an emotion that they can't control. They simply react to their emotions, rather than feel them.

Their mind is an endless racetrack. They're constantly scanning under the surface of their current reality for something that they haven't seen before. Not in a rush to get anywhere, they're just looking for something new. 

Perhaps the most important thing they need to realize is that there is no final destination to be found at the end of the road. They can't run forever. At some point they're going to have to stop and look around. To take responsibility for the environment they find themselves in. They're going to have to look at the world that they've built for themselves and decide if it's really what they want.

What Do Geminis Look Like?

Are very intelligent so their faces are very expressive. Their movements tend to be quick and dynamic. Their eyes are almost always two different colors because they're really just a patchwork of different selves pasted together to form a solid identity. Try to present themselves as airtight entities, a permanent vessel to hold all their contradictions, but their apparition will always be at odds with itself.

Love, Sex and Romance

Do Geminis Fall In Love Fast?

For the most part, yes. Captivated by the glittering reflections of themselves that they see in other people. Naturally curious about people who don't quite fit into a tidy world of black and white. Easily seduced, flighty, and unpredictable. Driven by a fundamental curiosity about who other people are, and who they might be around them.

Can be equally quick to fall out of love. Sometimes they're so quick to abandon ship that they end up having multiple relationships in a short period of time, usually with different people. Easily bored, and they often start relationships with the intention of having fun, rather than actually wanting to get involved with someone.

How Do Geminis Break Up?

Gemini breakups are messy. It's really hard for them to even admit that they're in a relationship in the first place. Have a lot of trouble making emotional commitments because their sense of self is easily dissolved.

Because of their dual nature, they are incredibly indecisive about even the simplest of matters. They vacillate, they hedge. Generally just avoid making decisions. This is why Gemini is notorious for not being able to end their relationships - it's just too awkward. When they do decide to call things off they won't do it directly. Instead, they'll get their partner to confront them first. They'll give their partner a reason to break up with them, then they'll act like a victim who had no control over the situation; it will be as if they were passive observers rather than active participants.

Who Is Gemini's Soulmate?

Someone who can help them sort through the chaos of their feelings. They need someone who can help them see the more stable side to their personality. Someone who can help them make sense of their life.

They want to be accepted. Want to be understood. Want to be loved. Looking for someone who can appreciate their duality and can understand the duality of their shared experience. Looking for a partner who can appreciate the complexity of their thoughts and actions and can understand where their life is going.

A Gemini's soulmate will stimulate their  mind and challenge them intellectually. Their partner must be able to keep up with them verbally and be able to communicate without getting too emotional. Someone who can talk to them on an abstract level as well as a physical level. Their ideal soulmate is someone who loves to break away from the mundane and follow their instincts. Need someone who can keep up with their mental and physical moods.

What Does It Mean When A Gemini Says I Love You?

They are saying that the moment is perfect. The words are an attempt to capture the moment, to preserve it in amber, to hang it from the rafters of their mind so they can return to it over and over again. They are not saying that they will love you forever, but in this moment they do.

A Gemini's love has to feel new. They'll always have the spark of fascination in their eyes when they look at their partner. Are always discovering new things about themselves and their partner. There is no stagnant love with them, there's a perpetual sense of discovery.

If you fall in love with a Gemini, you aren't falling in love with a single person. You are falling in love with the idea of love and the thrill of romance. A love that exists in the ephemeral moment, before they change direction. And ultimately, you are falling in love with yourself.


Make friends everywhere they go. Have the ability to talk to almost anyone about every little thing that's on their minds. They're the type of friends who will show up to your party an hour late, but will end up staying for hours.

Can be very entertaining to be around. Their way with words can hypnotize you into momentary bliss. Seek them out when you're looking to have the kinds of experiences to write novels about, or if you're just looking to live vicariously through stories of their own novel-worthy experiences.

Not always the most reliable. Deep emotional engagement can make them restless and impatient. Go to them for the unsparing, unvarnished truth. They're great with comebacks, which is extremely important in the ruthless reality of friendship.

How Do Geminis Fight?

They fight like they talk - with a stream-of-consciousness barrage of arguments and witticisms. Masters of the ad hominem and will use your own words against you. They'll make a point, contradict themselves, make another, contradict themselves again, and then somehow end up talking about your mother. 

Geminis are defenders of discord. Anything that stifles the free flow of information is seen as an enemy and worthy of destruction. Are the first to start a fight and the last to stop. Will relentlessly attack until the other party is physically incapable of fighting back, even if means self-deprecation. They are merciless. But because of their lack of physical stamina, they have to rely on strategic attacks.

Deep down, they don't even really want to fight. Would rather find some obscure way to cooperate with you, even if it's just pretending to be mad at you, so that they feel justified in dropping the subject. Tend to be pretty passive aggressive.

How Dangerous Is A Gemini?

Are dangerous because they seem to exist in a perpetual state of internal conflict. They're like a pool of water. Still on the surface, but below, the water is churning with turbulent waves. Will always be fighting a battle between their rational and irrational sides.

Are elusive. Have a knack for slipping out of any situation that makes them feel uncomfortable. Avoid facing anything that poses a challenge, because their charm is their only weapon. Quick thinkers and can talk themselves into or out of almost anything. Little bit of a hustler, but mostly just an observer. Never the main event of a situation, unless they've calculated the odds and decided it's worth their while. The type to ride a wave of someone else's energy. Can make something out of nothing, but they can also just as easily make nothing out of something. 


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