*taken from Co-Star* I found their breakdowns to be the most accurate, and liked the funny little jabs they take at each sign (still accurately!) and don't forget -- if you were born on the cusp of either side of a sign (cusp = the first several dates at the beginning or end of a zodiac sign) check the other sign your birthday is closest to as you might find you relate more to those traits.


Pisces: February 18 - March 20

Symbol: The fishes

Element: Water

Modality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Neptune



  • Somehow both 5 and 50 years old at once
  • Thinks everything is a sign
  • Can't remember if they dreamt it or it actually happened
  • Excessively romance
  • Prone to fantasy
  • No boundaries


Best Careers

  • Volunteer therapist
  • Curbside fortune teller
  • Amateur poet
  • Sad clown
  • Orb of light
  • Vapor?


Famous Pisces

  • Nina Simone
  • Pier Paolo Pasolini
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Rihanna
  • Victor Hugo


Personality Traits

Is Pisces A Good Sign?

If you are asking this question, you're probably a Pisces who is insecure. If you don't feel valued, it's not because being a Pisces is bad, but because society as a whole generally undervalues "soft" skills like intuition and sensitivity. Your challenge is to start viewing these things as talents instead of impediments.

Describing a Pisces' personality can be difficult because they tend to evade distinction. Their behavior changes significantly based on who they're around. Pisces are just permeable membranes that pensively let things flow through them. Are cerebral sea sponges. Are boundless. Tend to dilute themselves with larger personalities to avoid having to form coherent identities.

Most of the qualities usually associated with Pisces (dreaminess, emotionality, imagination) are internal processes that are difficult to observe from the outside. This is because Pisces are primarily inward-facing. Are not self-absorbed, but they are absorbed in themselves.

Ultimately, they want to dissolve. To wrest themselves of a physical form and diffuse into everything they touch as love. To live their life like a romantic poem. To understand that reality and fantasy are neighbors on the same infinite plane.

Are Pisces Smart?

Many Pisceans may doubt their intelligence because the society we live in places a higher emphasis on structured brains with the ability to mechanically analyze data and spit out information, while Pisces absorb and sift through sentiments. Can't prove their argument because their opinion is based on a feeling. Feeling is the very basis of the Pisces genius.

May not be able to remember the objective facts of a situation but they can remember the emotion they were feeling at the time. May not be able to recite every US president from memory but they somehow know how you feel before you do, Their irrational intelligence can sometimes be misconstrued  as psychic ability. It's really not some kind of supernatural power, but an acute sensitivity to the emotional information that lingers outside of most people's window of perception.

Can sometimes come across as airhead or forgetful. This is not due to mindlessness, but because of the particular orientation of their mindfulness. Are easily overstimulated, and have learned to cope by turning inward. Misplacing their keys or getting lost aren't signs of their stupidity but are instead a result of their detachment from the external world.

What Are Pisces' Weaknesses? 

True Pisces weakness is that they're often the cause of their own turmoil. A little bit addicted to melancholy. Want to feel things intensely and there is a poignant side to sorrow that Pisces actually find pleasurable. Would rather marinate in a voluptuous pit of despair than have no feelings at all. The search for heart-rending emotional experiences sometimes causes Pisces to seek out situations that are subconsciously self-defeating and they paint themselves as unwitting victims.

Love, Sex and Romance

Who Is Attracted To Pisces?

Traditionally, the signs must compatible with Pisces are Earth signs and other Water signs. Pisces have an elusive charm that can be alluring to some and frustrating to others. Their boundlessness causes them to attract other people with bad boundaries who take advantage of their compassion. Need to learn that they are more than just a mop for other people's emotional messes.

Who Is Pisces Soulmate?

Is a tension between what Pisces need in a partner and what they want. Want a love that overpowers them. Want to be whisked away on some romantic pleasure cruise. Need to know that it's okay to be sculpted by love, but that there has to be something definite. Love is not a complete absence of a self, or a full dissolution into someone else. The right partner already knows this and encourages Pisces to built rudimentary walls. The right partner is rooted in reality while still being susceptible to romance. The right partner is comforting without being boring.


Do Pisces Make Friends Easily?

Are generally good at making friends. They find it easy to relate to most people.

Are Pisces Loyal?

Are loyal in their own way. They'll send a text saying, "I'm here if you need to talk" right as their phone dies. Are always there to listen. It may be difficult for them to not internalize other people's problems and make them worse in the process. Can be gossips, not maliciously, but because they're generally interested in other people's personal lives. They vacillate between codependent friendships and needing lots of alone time. Friends can take this as a slight.

What Makes A Pisces Angry?

Difficult for a Pisces to get angry until there has been a gradual slow build up. Are quick to dismiss small feelings of discomfort, blaming themselves and their own sensitivity. When the situation finally erupts, it's messy and awkward, and it's hard to understand where all this resentment is coming from. Expect others to be emotional mind readers; all of a sudden they decide may actually weren't okay with things they initially said were fine. And they respond with "But you should've known I wasn't fine!"

What Makes A Pisces Happy?

Happiest when submerged in something oceanic. Pisces experience an immeasurable amount of pleasure when they feel like they're being swallowed up by something larger than themselves. Enjoy the immersion of sensory experience and the feeling  of sand beneath their toes, the small of a lover's skin, the music of a summer breeze.

Many Pisces like to be around other Pisces or other people they have a deep emotional connection with.

Easy for a Pisces to lose themselves in other people. Creative work grounds them. Must learn that a main contributor for their happiness is finding an outlet for their creative expression. Are always looking to the future and they always have hope. Don't dwell on the past too much. Put things behind them and move forward. 


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