*taken from Co-Star* I found their breakdowns to be the most accurate, and liked the funny little jabs they take at each sign (still accurately!) and don't forget -- if you were born on the cusp of either side of a sign (cusp = the first several dates at the beginning or end of a zodiac sign) check the other sign your birthday is closest to as you might find you relate more to those traits.


Taurus: April 19 - May 20

Symbol: The Bull

Element: Earth

Modality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Venus



  • Just wants to cuddle
  • Homebody
  • All or nothing, no inbetween
  • Wears the same outfit every day
  • Hates big changes


Best Careers

  • Hermit in the woods
  • Wall to bump up against
  • Food blogger
  • Sleep study participant
  • Sweatpants model


Famous Taurus'

  • Karl Marx
  • Malcolm X
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • William Shakespeare
  • James Brown
  • Mr. T
  • John Waters


Personality Traits

Are the human equivalent of moss. A handmade wooden chair. They are normally satisfied with the way things are. Embody stability. Sitting in a patch of grass admiring the breeze. When everything else seems to be falling apart, Taureans are an oasis of calm, a rock of dependability. Practical knowledge and experience is their modus operandi.

Oriented around the physical world. They tend to be grounded and logical. Love routine and they're committed to their own comfort. Like to be in control. Patient and steady, and their materialism is an extension of their pursuit of stability.

Once they get into a groove, it's difficult for them to get out of it. Object in motion stays in motion. Object at rest stays at rest. Appreciative of beauty. Attuned to physical pleasure. Like things to be predictable. Are perfectly happy eating the same meal over and over, or wearing the same outfit for a week straight. Would prefer things to be consistent than chaotically good. Like to discover what they have the most fun doing and then do it to the extreme.

Have a regal quality about them. They are graceful and diligent laborers. They can be stubborn, bull-headed, and set in their ways, but they are also great listeners and very dependable. 

Can go on forever, they never feel fatigued. Are like machines. And no matter what they throw at them, they will inevitably overcome their obstacles because they've already prepared for every contingency. They are the hand-built truck that will never break down. Are the bulletproof vest that never rips.

What Are Their Bad Traits?

Have to do with their materialistic proclivities. Sometimes they are overly determined to achieve material success. Are not immune to greed. Can be apathetic to the needs of others if they are motivated to achieve their own goals.

Don't respond to criticism. Not even that they negatively react to it, but it's almost like they are made of cement, and any feedback just bounces right off. They don't budge.

Stubborn. Not going to do something they don't want to do. Slow to change their minds because change threatens their sense of stability. Can become so set in their routine that they get too comfortable and lose sight of what really matters. Can become emotionally and physically lazy.

Can become stubborn and obstinate, and have a hard time listening to other people. Can be like a bull, stuck in the mud, unable to see the bigger picture. Can also be reckless, especially when they are young. Struggles with over-indulgence in vices. Doesn't know moderation. Once they decide they like something, they go all in.

Love, Sex and Romance

Do Taurus Fall In Love Fast?

Aren't careless with their affection. They fall in love one step at a time. Have very strong feelings. When they do fall in love, things get serious relatively quickly and last for a long time. Usually know their own minds and are more likely to fall in love because it feels right rather than because of an arbitrary "they're cute" reason. Their love life is rooted in a foundation of appreciation and reverence. Very aware of the people they love, and they very much enjoy reflecting on them. Don't say "I love you" often because they would rather show you. It's not easy for them to leave someone they love, They won't leave easily and instead try to work things out the best they can.

Do Taurus Hide Their Feelings?

Not particularly expressive, but they don't hide their feelings. Show their love physically, they're less able to express things with their words. Sometimes have difficulty expressing their emotions, so they project a harsh exterior to cover up their sensitivity. May seem to be insensitive to the point of cruelty. If they don't value themselves, they don't value others.

Who Are They Attracted To?

Attracted to people who make them feel safe and comfortable. Attracted to practical people. People that can cater to the needs that a Taurus may have. A person's values must align with the values of Taurus. Seek out people that appreciate simple pleasures.

Attracted to people who are dependable and strong. Likely be turned off by a person who is constantly flitting around the room or who seems out of control. Appreciate people who are capable of being relaxed. Highly attracted to people who have a high degree of physical attractiveness. Turned off by people who aren't as well dressed as they are, and who may seem like they don't care what they look like. Often attracted to people who cook, and appreciate a home-cooked dinner. 

Very loyal, but they also expect loyalty back. Only willing to invest in relationships that have a firm foundation. Don't do casual. Don't do frivolous. Are also attracted to people that are self-sufficient. Don't tend to be people pleasers, and they have quite a bit of pride. Tend to believe that they are enough, and don't need to seek validation from others.


How Bad is A Taurus Temper?

Don't have temper tantrums, but they do have a hell of a low simmer. Are slow to boil, but when they do, they make a lot of noise and can leave destruction in their wake. Has a tendency to let all of their anger, resentment, and bitterness fester and periodically explode into devastating outbursts. A Taurus' temper is as good as their mood. When they're in a good mood they will most situations with a measure of patience and calm that can be surprising to people who don't know them well. But when they're in a bad mood, they will be a little bit snarly. Have a low tolerance for passive aggression. If someone is wasting their time, they'll tell them that they're wasting their time. 

Who is Taurus' Best Friend?

Friends with everyone. Actually not very selective about who they make friends with. If someone is nice to them, they're their friend. Have a tendency to come together with people who share their interests and temperaments. Don't necessarily form cliques, but they have an innate understanding of who they'll be compatible with. If they're not sure about a new person, they'll give them the time and space to figure out if they're worthy of their time. Very slow to judge. 


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