Do You Ever Wonder What You Think About Right Before Death?

 Apparently, this is an example of what my brain thinks of… and that’s all I’m going to say about that. 

What is The Root of All Evil?

I used to think it was money, like the majority say but…ultimately, I think true evil comes from greed … envy. “You have something better than me and I want it.”

Deception. One question I will never understand is why we all feel the need to lie when we don’t have to. When our lives aren’t in danger, when we aren’t protecting anyone including ourselves by not telling the truth… at that point, I suppose the question should really become Why do we all want to lie? I’m not exempt from this strange phenomenon and I have yet to meet a single human being that is. It’s just so weird to me when I really sit and try to process it in my head. I know humans as a whole aren’t always the brightest, especially when it comes to emotional awareness/intelligence, but what could we even be tricking ourselves into thinking we’re gaining in those moments?… I honestly can’t come up with any answer sometimes and that is one of the most frustrating things in life.

Every time I feel like I come close to “leveling up”, to understanding myself better, I lose sight of another piece… and it’s like I’m a never-ending puzzle that just won’t stick together no matter how hard I try.

So what is going to be my glue?


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