Mike Mondou, this one's for you.....


Thank you.
Thank you for bringing me back to life.
Thank you for making me smile and laugh again.
Thank you for forcing me to look at your face one last time before you left that first time we saw each other.
Thank you for texting me back after I weirdly sent you my phone number.
Thank you for letting me tattoo you...but really for letting me use it as an excuse to talk to you and get to know you better. And get to touch your hand.
Thank you for that first kiss. "Fireworks" could never do it justice.
Thank you for taking me out on an actual date. It was the most fun I've had doing anything in a really long time.
Thank you for opening the car door for me. I don't even know if anyone besides a cop has ever actually done that for me. 
Thank you for introducing me to your family. For better or worse, they all make up you in one way or another so I am eternally grateful for each and every one of them.
Thank you for being so open and honest about your life from day 1. And allowing me to feel comfortable enough to want to do the same.
Thank you for every single hug, kiss, "I love you" you've ever given me so far.
Thank you for letting me trust another human being with myself again without as much fear.
Thank you for always promising to be my padded room.
Thank you for making me feel completely protected and safe whenever you're with me.
Thank you for every little thing like making sure I could get coffee in the morning, making sure I had a few cigarettes for the day while you're at work, making sure I have enough gas in my car, buying me candles and flowers just because...
Thank you for that bath. It deserves a whole one for itself.
Thank you for how much thought you put into my surprise tattoo from Boston Bonnie. It will forever be my favorite. (Besides the obvious).
Thank you for doing all that you're doing right now in the situation we're in. Things aren't perfect, not where we want them yet, but I know that I don't feel complete unless you're next to me when I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I open my eyes in the morning.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being my home.

I would do everything the same way all over again as long as it meant I got to have you. Every tear I've ever shed, any pain I've ever felt would all be worth it just knowing that you are what's at the end of the tunnel waiting. I love you so much handsome. I just wanted to make sure you haven't forgotten.


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