
Showing posts from June, 2022

This One's For You, Part 2.

  Things have been really tough lately and I would do anything to make you feel better. But all I can realistically do at this point is offer you my love and support. You have my heart, completely and eternally. You have my eyes to help guide you through the darkness. You have my ears, to listen to you with all my attention whenever you may need it. You have my mouth, to always speak nothing but truth and to remind you of how much I love you. You have my hands, to hold yours when you're not feeling your strongest and to remind you that you are never alone. This is just something letting you know that I'm here, waiting for you. I want you by my side. I want to build a life with you. I want us to be this family. So whenever you're ready, just find your way back HOME. I love you.

Sleeping Sickness.

  I've always thought sleeping was a weird thing by itself. Probably because ever since I can remember I've had extremely detailed and vivid dreams that I could remember perfectly when I woke up. I started keeping a dream journal of sorts at a fairly young age and pretty soon I realized there was a few common qualities they all shared - people I cared about the most tended to be in them with me, usually in places I had never seen before in real life, and there was always this underlying feeling of anxiety, fear, just something unsettling. A lot of the time they were full on "night terrors"- I don't really remember those though...I just know what my mom told me and that's that I used to wake up screaming and crying, standing up in my crib almost every night. But as I got older, I tried to make sense of a lot of the not so scary ones and sometimes I could connect them to my waking life, but a lot of the time it just seemed to make no sense at all. As a teenager,...